Saturday, June 26, 2010

How to Fight E-mail Spam

I know each and every one of us wants to have clean email inbox folders for us to have an organized mailing list and email accounts. But the problem there are lot of spam emails being sent to our inbox that contains different advertisements which we’re not familiar with and that was really annoying. Here are some of the effective ways on how to fight this spam problem.

• Check your firewall – This security feature in windows is your 1st defense against spam. It will protect your network for different attacks that may enters

• Check for Viruses – Be sure to scan at least three times a month to check for viruses, especially if you are using outlook and change your password.

• Use Email Filters – What can email filters do is it will automatically quarantine viruses from emails, and spam before reaching the servers on your network.

Spam Blacklist Filter – This prevention technique is actually a database of collective spam in the net and you can set it to your server and it will automatically check all incoming emails and it will match if there are related spams in the database.

• Check relay setting – This will help trigger which server has the right time to send SMTP emails on behalf of the organization. You can easily limit the IP address to email users or else spammers will take advantage with your mail server and send unsolicited e-mails.

• Blocking port 25 – This method will allow your outbound traffic on TCP port 25 as it is used for email traffic. Blocking this port will prevent mass mails and spam zombies.

• Applying Reverse DNS – By using reverse DNS it will have an IP address with a domain name and they spam check and match the email address domain name with the IP address and if it doesn’t match, it will be considered as spam.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Spam Blacklist Services Saves the Day!

Whether you’re an email marketing consultant, or a regular internet user who always use email, I’m sure spam is the biggest problem you’re facing on your day to day email experience. That’s why different companies created spam blacklist services that will ensure your email is free of spam junkies for us to have a headache-free email experience. If it’s you’re first time to hear the word spam filter or spam blocker, this services or tools will automatically filter those emails like penis enlargement, Viagra, easy way to get rich stuffs, and etc. These services uses a database of spam keywords which are hand pick by humans, then when you received a mail the spam blacklist services will automatically checks the emails body, email address, subject title and match on their database. If the email has detected to be a spam then it will automatically sends to your spam folder or to your paid email blacklist service.

But before hand you can avoid these spam emails by simply avoiding subscribing to any site that seems more of an advertisement, stay away from “Join now it’ Free” scams, and lastly don’t give to anybody your email or simply don’t respond to unsolicited emails that you’re receiving because once you’ve replied to that email it will starts sending spam emails everyday and we really don’t want that to happen. So always remember these things and I’m sure you will not get any problems dealing with SPAM emails anymore. If you have some tips and guides you want to share just leave them here as a comment.