For most companies online and businesses, this is one of the most common questions they have ever asked. That is whether to invest on a reputable spam blacklist filter or not. Others have said it is a good investment because they think that it could lessen or minimize future problems with their business at the same time they can maintain a clean spam free email accounts on their network. While on the other hand some have thought that it is just a waste of money and it could not help grow their business at all.
Here are some of the reasons why they have suggested using email blacklist to keep their image as well as their reputation being a company. First thing is that no one wants to be flooded by email spam, imagine deleting thousands of these on your inbox. I am sure you would not want that to happen. Second to consider is the direct cost of spam. Let us say you have been email-bomb, the processing and storage space taken up by spam also incurs a burden on computational resources of the organization that includes financial. Another reason is when an employee starts to receive more than 50 emails per day will sure having difficulties handling all those emails at once. Errors may arise from being overwhelmed. Fourth issue is on security implications. Most clients and customers have been sharing their credit card on the internet especially on the company they have been trusting. What if they have been tricked, like an email coming from a phishing site then they will enter their personal info and the end they will find out that they are already been hacked by somebody. Now you are finally aware of what possible consequences you can get if you will not use a spam blacklist filter.